Newspaper Staff
Personal Writing Skills
Teacher: Mrs. Mary Jones
The High School Newspaper Staff is responsible for the high school portion of the online newspaper, "The Siren." Listed below are the members of our staff and information about each student.
In the history portion of "The Siren," S-E High School was assigned the time period of 1908 (when our school came into existence) through 1931. Staff members were assigned to research something of interest that happened during this time period. They were to write an article, include at least two pictures, have at least two links to the internet, and find at least two books or resources in the local library or on campus that would provide additional information about the chosen topic. Underneath the staff members' names are the articles they chose to research. Click on each member's name to learn more about her, and click on the article underneath her name to read her article.
Fashion of the Roaring 20's-article
Fashion from 1908 to 1931-article