Name: Amanda Dawn

Birthday: November 3

Favorite Movie: Top Gun

Favorite Song: "Unforgiven"

Favorite Food: steak

Favorite Color: hunter green

Favorite Actor/Actress: Bruce Willis

Favorite Person: grandmother (Nana)

Favorite High School Memory: Being able to look back at all the friends I have made from other towns

Pet Peeve: Someone getting in my car and changing the radio station

Future Plans: Angelo State

Greatest Lesson Ever Learned: NEVER date an ex-boyfriend's close friend!

What you will miss most next year: my brother and my close circle of friends

Quote: "The roads of life are full of many turns-be sure you don't miss any curves."

Something people will remember about you ten years from now: I always spoke my mind, and I always went a totally different way from everyone else.

Amanda'a Article-The flu of 1918


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