Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Civic Center, Lubbock, Texas

The first general assembly of the District 5 Texas Association of Student Councils was called to order at 10:30 A.M, February 9, 2000, at the Civic Center in Lubbock, Texas. To start things off the Frenship Drum Corps played part of their state winning routine. Roll call was then done to see what schools were present. A student from Cooper High School led us in a word of prayer. To loosen up students and sponsors attending, we did ice-breakers, which included doing the "Wigalow," "Singing in the Rain," and making "Texas rain."

Our guest speaker was Rosa Guererro. Mrs. Guererro brought us a very motivational speech about culture, primarily about Spanish culture, and heritage. We learned that the Spanish culture was brought together from many other cultures. Mrs. Gurerro also showed us how different cultures incorporate dance into their traditions.

Election of officer schools for 2000-2001 were then held. The following schools will be leading us next year:

2000-2001 District Officers


President: Lubbock-Cooper High School

Vice-President: Frenship High School

2nd Vice-President: Olton Jr. High School

Secretary: Abernathy High School

Parliamentarian: Springlake-Earth High School

Newsletter: Plains High School

Congratulations to Springlake-Earth High School Student Council, who was elcted as

Parlimentarian for Student Council District 5!

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