Springlake-Earth named Whataburger Texas High School of the Week
(article taken from Lamb County Leader News)
Springlake-Earth High School has been selected as the Whataburger Texas High School of the Week. The Whataburger High School of the Week recognizes exemplary Texas high school athletic and scholastic programs. The award is presented to Athletic Director, Rick Hulett, on behalf of Springlake-Earth High School. Special recognition is made to Coach Kent Bode, as well as Felix and Kristen, as they are honored for their outstanding achievement in academics and in sports. To be nominated for the Whataburger Texas High School of the Week award, Texas high schools submit profiles of their most outstanding athletic achievements, sports programs, and accomplishments of their top male and female scholar/athletes.
"Springlake-Earth High School should be proud of their academic and athletic programs. Winning this award is a way of recognizing the great teams and programs of both the Texas High School Coaches Association and the Texas Educators," said Jeff Nordstrom, Whataburger's director of marketing.
Profiles of the school, coach and students will air over the Texas State Networks (TSN), and affiliation of 133 radio stations throughourt Texas, during the week of Feb. 21, 2000. Broadcasts can be heard every weekday morning at 7:05 a.m. locally on KZZN 1490 AM or KKAM 1340 in Lubbock.
Coach Bode, Kristen, and Felix