This unit can be a two to six week project. It was shared with me by a friend, and we have combined the following lesson plan suggestions.
I. Discuss students' first memory of stories
A. Bible
B. Nursery Rhymes
C. Fairy Tales
1. Favorites remembered
2. Read originals and list them on board
II. Discuss Story Elements
A. Main idea, setting, characters, plot, and ending
B. Fairy Tale Characteristics
1. Once upon a time
2. Animals with human capabilities (personification)
3. Relationships between animals and humans
4. Magic
5. Some type of evil/traumatic problem
6. Solution--good wins over evil
7. Happy ever after
III. Discuss different versions of originals
A. "That Awful Cinderella"
B. "The Three Pigs-the Real Story by A. Wolf"
C. Many other versions are available
D. Discuss what changed from originals
IV. Plot Graph Original
V. Assign groups of 4/5
A. Change one story element from original
B. Plot graph new idea
C. Decide how story will be presented
1. Big book
2. Powerpoint presentation
3. Play
4. Video
VI. Share new fairy tale version with elementary students