Created by "Starsky and Hutch" producers Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg, it debuted on ABC in 1976 as part of the network's sexier programming agenda, which also included "Three's Company." The series followed three female detectives routinely dispatched on crime-busting missions by Charlie, an always-unseen wealthy benefactor heard only by speakerphone (the character was voiced by Dynasty star John Forsythe). The "Angels," as Charlie deemed them, would be assisted every week by the gazillionaire's right-hand man, John Bosley (David Doyle), as they chased ne'er-do-wells popping up every place from beauty contests and health spas to dude ranches and women's prisons. Of course, this presented a weekly opportunity for the viewing public to get an eyeful of the three lead actresses' cleavage, since they would always manage to shed some of their clothes in the name of the law. This was enough to make "Charlie's Angels" one of the top-rated prime-time shows in '78 and '79. As for the "Angels" themselves, they were a constantly changing crew.