Facts and History from the 1940's
- Population: 132,122,000
- Unemployed in 1940: 8,120,000
- National Debt: $43 Billion
- Average Yearly Salary: $1,299
- Teachers Yearly Salary: $1,441
- Minimum Wage: $.43 per hour
- 55% of U.S. homes had indoor plumbing
- Antarctica was discovered as a continent
- Life expectancy: 68.2 female -- 60.8 male
- Auto Deaths: 34,500
- Supreme Court decided that blacks have the right to vote.
- World War II made the U.S. and the USSR super powers.
- Cold War began.
- The first inexpensive paperback book appeared.
- Penicillin was discovered in 1940.
- Automobile production ceased in 1942 and rationing of food began in 1943.
- Color TV was demonstrated for the first time in 1941.
- Commercial Television was available to the public in 1947.
- The Slinky was invented by a ship inspector in 1945.
- At the end of the war, only 5,000 TV sets were in American homes. By 1951, 17 million had been sold.
- Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in 1941, thus starting World War II.
- In 1944, over 30 million U.S. homes had 57 million radio sets.
Click the Links Below to go to some Sites I found on Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor
History and Pictures of the Attack
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