On Friday, March 31, 2000, during each Springlake-Earth ISD staff members' lunch time, the Springlake-Earth School Board and Administration gave a luncheon in appreciation for all the hard work each staff member has put forth this year.
Sausage and hamburgers and all the trimmings were served by the board and Mr. Conkin, superintendent, Mr. Vaughn, high school principal, and Mr. Bigham, K-8 Principal. A special birthday cake, in honor of recently retired special education teacher Mr. Jim Dutton, was also served.
Board members who cooked, served, and cleaned up the meal, were: David Bagwell, Tony Barton, Lexie Fennell, Tommy Gregory, Jimmy McCurry, Eddie Moudy, and David Templeton.
The staff wants to thank the board members and administration for this delicious meal.
The board members are the guys wearing the red aprons.