Name: Loretta Ray
Degrees and certifications earned: MT(ASCP) (Medical Technologist, American Society of Clinical Pathologists) Bachelor of Arts-Medical Technology, Teacher Certification-Composite Science; presently working on Masters in Multidisciplinary Science at Texas Tech University.
Number of years of experience: 12 years
Related jobs or work experience: 16 years as a Medical Technologist
Professional organizations of which you are a member: ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists), STAR (Science Teachers Association Region 17), CAST (Chemistry Association of Science Teachers)
Organizatins/events you sponsor: Junior High UIL Science
Courses you teach: 6th, 7th, and 8th Science; 7th Reading; Biology I
Hobbies, outside interests: Reading, walking, watching basketball, working outside
Family: Husband-Big Lee, Son-Lee, Daughter-Lauren
Best Advice: Teenagers are not invincible. Live each day and moment to the fullest. Reach for every goal. Always strive to be your best and do your best.