Taken from The Spring Lake Siren, Volume 1, Number 6. May 13, 1929
(Typed exactly as written in the 1929 Siren. Notice the spelling of some of the words in this article.)
The annual Junior-Senior banquet was given Thursday evening, April 25th, in the Home Economics dinning room. This delightful event is one that will be long remembered by those present, and especially the Senior Class.
The dinning room was attractive in the school colors, green and gold. The color scheme was also carried out in the menu.
Mr. Clifft gave the innvocation, after which the Seniors were made to feel at home by the Welcome Address given by Sena Winningham, President of the Junior class. Edna Waggoner, validictorian of the Senior class, made the response. Edwin Parish furnished two much appreciated readings. Peppy speeches by everyone present constituted the entertainment for the evening.
The following menu was served:
Fruit Cocktail, Smothered Chicken, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Green String Beans, Olives, Creamed Asparagus Tips, Rolls, Ice Tea, Candle Salad, Salad Wafers, Lime Sherbert, Angel Cake, Mints, Nuts.
Those present were: Edna Waggoner, Edwin Parish, Sena Winningham, Beatrice McKinney, May Bell, Almon Whitford, Miss Tannery, sponsor of the Junior Class, Mrs. Beulah C. Miller, sponsor of the Senior Class, Mr. Pool and Mr. Clifft.