July 21, 1989
Favorite Color:
Favorite Class:
1st Grade Aid and English
Showing Pigs and hanging out with David
4-H and showing pigs
College Plan to Attend:
West Texas A&M University
Future Plans:
Something to do with agriculture
Most Memorable High School Moment:
Lui, and Mine and Tori's birthday last year
Most Embarrassing Moment:
Jr. Chapter conducting contest I seconded a motion that wasn't even there.
Words of Wisdom for Underclassmen:
Live life to the fullest, and be nice to your teachers and they will be nice to you
(most of the time)
What will you miss most about high school? Why?:
My classmates, because we always have fun
Who will you miss the most? Why?:
Erica, because she always makes me laugh
Pet Peeve:
Fake people
Greatest Fear in Life:
Growing old without the person I love
What is strange and/or unique about you?:
I wore tennis shoes this year which is not an every day thing
What was (or still is) your favorite Disney movie as a child?
Finding Nemo (My Bubbles!)
Who was your elementary or Jr. High crush?:
Colby B.
Olga and Jerry also helped put slides together.