Wolverine (Gulo gulo)

Despite contrary belief, the wolverine is not related to the wolf. Actually, the wolverine belongs to the weasel family. Much like the weasel, the wolverine is very shy and scarcely seen. They are very clever and resourceful. They are most noted for their aggressiveness and fearlessness. The wolverine is always on the move and is always trying different ways to get the job done.

Characteristics and Physical Features of the Wolverine

Length: 3-4 ft.

Weight: 30-40 lbs.

Color: Brown

 Distinguishing Characteristics: Two pale stripes down its back

Breeding: Once a year

Habitat: Artic mainland of Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland (a.k.a. Springlake-Earth)

Diet: Carrrion (dead critters-Farwell Steers, Anton Bulldogs, Sudan Hornets, Bovina Mustangs, Whiteface Antelopes)

Does the wolverine deserve his name?

The name wolverine means glutton. The wolverine doesn't eat more than he needs. If he kills a caribou or bear he will spray it with musk and bury it. Later he will come back and finish it.

Is the wolverine fast?

The wolverine has two speeds, fast and stop. If the wolverine is not "sprinting" it is at a complete stop. Therefore to catch prey, the wolverine must ambush, pounce, or find a slower animal.

Why do wolverines go at their top speed?

Going as fast as possible helps the wolverine stay on top of the snow. This must be done, or it can't cover the distance it has to for finding food.

What does the wolverine do if he is slower than his prey?

To attack prey, the wolverine will climb to the top of a rock or a tall stump, then when a deer or some other medium to large animal comes along, the wolverine will jump squarely on the unfortunate animal's back, breaking its neck or severing vital organs.

Why are big feet helpful for the wolverine?

The wolverines big furry feet act as snowshoes in the winter, allowing the wolverine to bound along on the top of the snow and chase caribou, moose, or other large animals. The prey exhausts itself whereas the wolverine can move quickly.
