Links for Teaching Digital Citizenship
Social Studies/History
Any Subject
Online Classrooms & Lesson Delivery
- Blendspace- Make learning fun with TES Blendspace, the free and easy ed tech tool teachers love for lessons, projects, presentations, and more. No planning needed. App available in the Chrome store.
- Edmodo- Edmodo takes learning beyond the classroom by providing a free, safe place for teachers and students to connect and collaborate—anytime, anywhere.
- Google Classroom- Classroom helps teachers save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students.
- TED-Ed- Create video lessons for your students.
Classroom Management
- Bouncy Balls- Let the class see how noisy they are with these balls.
- Class Dojo- Behavior management app. The simple way to build an amazing classroom community.
Online Practice, Assessment, Collaboration, and Review
- Google Forms- Create custom surveys, quizzes, and forms. Gather everything in a spreadsheet and analyze data right in Google Sheets then add Flubaroo to have quizzes and tests automatically graded!
- Google Docs- This is like Microsoft Word. There are a million things you can do with Google Docs!
- Google Slides- Create slides to show students information each day. Add slides all year and you will have your whole year in your presentation to modify and use next year. If students are absent, they can check your slides for information.
- Kahoot- Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! Click here for a tutorial video from Angela Remington.
- Padlet- Padlet is a digital canvas to create beautiful projects that are easy to share and collaborate on. It works like a piece of paper. Students all post to the same “wall” and can see each other’s posts. Click here for a tutorial video from Teacher’s Tech.
- Plickers- Plickers lets you poll your class for free, without the need for student devices. Click here for a tutorial video from Pioneer RESA Tech.
- Quizizz- Quizizz allows you to create and play awesome multiplayer quiz games. Click here for a youtube tutorial video from Joseph Breisch.
- Socrative- Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative! Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their Socrative Teacher app. Socrative will instantly grade, aggregate and provide visuals of results to help you identify opportunities for further instruction.
- TodaysMeet- Free “chat room.” The teacher can print out conversations when the lesson is completed.
- FunBrain- FunBrain provides users with interactive games in subjects such as math, reading, and literacy.
Presentations & Online Portfolios
- Google Slides- Create slides to show students information each day. Add slides all year and you will have your whole year in your presentation to modify and use next year. If students are absent, they can check your slides for information.
- SeeSaw- Student driven digital portfolios and simple parent communication.
- Prezi- Like PowerPoint, but a lot more active! (Check with technology to see if we still have the subscription.)
- Google Sites- Have your students create a free website to store projects.
- Symbaloo- This is an online bookmarking tool. Create a WebQuest or give your students a series of websites to read to complete a project.
- Animoto- Create short videos, book trailers, commercials, etc. Check with technology about a subscription.
- Google Drive- Have your students set up folders for each subject then save their work in the folders.